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Welcome cloth diaper mamas!

First of all, congratulations for a great choice you made for your baby and the environment. As for the mamas who aren't sure yet, stick with us and let us convince you that cloth diaper aren't as difficult or required a lot of work/time as many may think.

Welcome all and I look forward to a productive and active blog!

P.S. if you have cute pictures of you lil one bunz in cloth diaper and want to share you can either post it yourself or send it to me and I'll add water mark to your picture, so it doesn't end up at an unwanted site, and I'll post them here for you. We all LOVE to see cute and happybabybunz ;)

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Welcome to happy baby bunz :D

Hi all,

I hope that this blog will be an interesting, information, and helpful to you all cloth diaper mamas, and cloth diaper mamas-to-be.

I'm a cloth diaper mama myself and it's so rewarded. Above all it's great to see you baby bunz in all those O-So-Cute cloth diaper. However, I by no means and expert in cloth diapering, I consider myself a newbie, but I did take a lot of classes, research, and bought a lot of cloth diapers already ;)

I also happy to announce that I was able to convince many friends of mine to switch to cloth diapering. Now, I felt that our world is a bit greener already.

Did you know that disposable diaper can take up to 500 years to decompose? So, how many generations is that? 5-6 generations from us now. We don't want that do we? We don't want to leave nothing but the bad and the ugly world to our next generations! Also, most sposies mamas don't rinse out their babies' "poo-poo" before they throw it away, but they should. Why? Because human waste are no good to animals.

If you are deciding whether to use sposies or cloth diapers please hang around in this blog and let us cloth diaper mamas convience you that it's better your baby and your environment.

Lastly, if you join us by February 14th, 2010 you will be qualify to enter the drawing to win this popular, and o-so-cute simply-pure, simply white pompom hat contribute by

Look forward to your comments, tips, and activeness!


  1. Cool blog! I don't like cloth diapers but I can see why a lot of people prefer to use them.

  2. I was just visiting your etsy shop. You've got some CUTE stuff!!!

  3. I'm also pretty new at cloth diapering! Looking forward to reading what you have to say! :)

    Adorable hat btw!

  4. Kristin: I hope that you love cloth diapering so far. I sure LOVE it! It's so rewarding. Your avatar is SOOOOOOO CUTE :D

    Beccalynn: Thank you! I just love what I do and I made all the stuffs with heart, so it shows, I guess ;)

    Creative Minds: Glad you like my blog. Perhaps we can convince you like cloth diapering in the near future? ;)

  5. Oh, I have to say a huge well done to you for undertaking cloth 'nappies' (as we call them here in Australia)....I have three little possums who are in the very final stages of toilet training....needless to say I am de-lighted to have that phaze of my life behind me !!! Great blog by the way !XX

  6. Looking forward to seeing more from you! Loving your informational sidebar!
