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Welcome cloth diaper mamas!

First of all, congratulations for a great choice you made for your baby and the environment. As for the mamas who aren't sure yet, stick with us and let us convince you that cloth diaper aren't as difficult or required a lot of work/time as many may think.

Welcome all and I look forward to a productive and active blog!

P.S. if you have cute pictures of you lil one bunz in cloth diaper and want to share you can either post it yourself or send it to me and I'll add water mark to your picture, so it doesn't end up at an unwanted site, and I'll post them here for you. We all LOVE to see cute and happybabybunz ;)

Thursday, January 28, 2010

I got fluffy mail today :D

Cottonbabies has FB perfect size daisy prints on sale for only  $10.95 (orig. is $17.95), and they also have BG bamboo for sales too. I got 12 pack of BG bamboo for $72.00. The full price would have been $144.00. Plus I have the coupon for 5% off total amount, and if you order over $100 you get free BG onesies. How can you pass on deals like this???

I'm so excited and gotta show you my fluffy mail ;)

In total I got 8 FB perfect size pocket and 12 BG bamboo fitted (this is great for night time and nap time) for half price. This is so awesome!

Victory is mine!!! woot woot!
Now, show me what you got!


  1. Fluffy mail is so fun! SAdly, I can't get any fluffy mail for awhile or my husband will be upset.

  2. I just saw the 1/2 price fitted BG. I think that i will buy and maybe my husband won't notice.

  3. It has been way too long since I have had fluffy mail... Im due, LOL!
