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Welcome cloth diaper mamas!

First of all, congratulations for a great choice you made for your baby and the environment. As for the mamas who aren't sure yet, stick with us and let us convince you that cloth diaper aren't as difficult or required a lot of work/time as many may think.

Welcome all and I look forward to a productive and active blog!

P.S. if you have cute pictures of you lil one bunz in cloth diaper and want to share you can either post it yourself or send it to me and I'll add water mark to your picture, so it doesn't end up at an unwanted site, and I'll post them here for you. We all LOVE to see cute and happybabybunz ;)

Monday, February 15, 2010

And the hat goes to...

OK - I have to admit that I was so excited today! I can't wait to see who the lucky one will be. So, with full of excitment I got up at 5:30am this morning - lol.

And here are pictures step by step :D

1) The preparation

I wrote down all the 39 names (I have 40 followers but 1 of them is myself - lol, so I didn't put my own name in there ;) and put it in my favorite chinese bowl (Yes, it is clean ;)

2) I then slowly reach the bowl and stired them well for a few minutes or until I feel that it's time.

3) Then I just picked one of them and my heart went crazy with full of excitement...who's gonna be...

4) Here it is, I got one in my hand. Now, there's no going back...! So, I open it up slowly. It's kinda difficult to multi-tasking at this stage. Take pictures and tried to roll out the paper. And as you can see. The picture didn't turn out that great - the name was on the other side - duh!

5) And the hat goes to...

Can you read my handwriting? OK - I was a bit lazy and didn't wrote down everyone's full name. This one says "NovemberSun" as for "NovemberSunFlower"

Congratulations, NovomberSunFlower! You won this  that

Now - you have 30 second to thank people who support you and help you through this ;) Go one, hurry or the music will starts soon and I'll have to turn off your mike. And BTW - who are you wearing ;)

For those who didn't win, don't worry, the next giveaway is coming soon. Stay tune!


  1. Congratulations NovemberSunflower!!! Enjoy your prize!

  2. I have nominated you to receive the sunshine award! Please visit my blog for details:

  3. I like that you drew names the "old school" way. =)

    Following you from Cloth Diapering Bloggers. =)
